“MoondruMudichu” a Tamil dubbed version broadcasted on Polimer TV, was based on “SasuralSimar Ka”, a famous daily soap in Hindi, which airs on Colors Television. The story is based on two sisters who marries two brothers and get in to the same home as daughters in law. Produced by Rashmi Sharma films and directed by Pawan Kumar, this Hindi tele-serial was also dubbed in Tamil and Telugu. Sima (Deepika Kakar) and her sister Rohini (AvikaGor) marry the brothers Prem Bhardwaj ( Dheeraj Dhoopar ) and Siddarth Bhardwaj ( Manish Raisinghan), respectively. Deepika, Avika, Dheeraj, and Manishcomprise the chief cast of the serial, accompanied by several other accompanying characters. The story revolves around the conservative joint family which lives in “Vrindavan” .
- Moondru Mudichu Serial Tamil 2017
- Moondru Mudichu Serial In Tamil Today Episode
- Moondru Mudichu Serial In Tamil Full Episode
Video Moondru Mudichu Episode watch online. Tamil TV Moondru Mudichu today's 11-9-2019 latest complete show by Polimer TV. Stream in HD Watch Tamil Serial today Moondru Mudichu, complete episode only on at TamilDool.Net.
Moondru Mudichu Serial Tamil 2017
Here some in-laws, try to find faults in the trivial matters and how the two sisters overcome all the hurdles, is the storyline. The eldest sister Sima who is very passionate towards dance, is scared of her father to reveal her interest for dance, takes up a lot of responsibilities and her younger sister Rohini, is a TV buff, gossips a lot and mimics everyone. Free mechanical engineering books. The series has quite a number of nail-biting climaxes across all its seasons. How Sima gets in to the family without compromising her passion, forms the remaining part of the story. Start watching Mondru Muduchi immediately to know the full story.
The leading actress of the series, Deepika Kakar’s (previously Deepika Samson) (as Sima) first television appearance was for a mythological show in 2010. Born in Pune, Maharashtra, Deepika won Colors Golden Petal Awards for her role as “Simar Bhardwaj” in SasuralSimar Ka, the original version of Moondru Mudichu. Dheeraj Dhooper (as Prem Bhardwaj) Born in Delhi, Dheeraj has gained a lot of popularity after playing the role of Prem Bhardwaj.
Moondru Mudichu Serial In Tamil Today Episode
Besides acting and modeling, Dheeraj is also in to Fashion Designing. His entry into the media industry was through advertisements AvikaGor (as Rohini) and Born in 1997, Avika acted in Balika Vadhu as a child artist. Being a Gujarati, Avika got her break in her debut Telugu film “ UyyalaJampala” and has done a lot of fiction and reality shows in Television. Download cinema 4d full version.
Moondru Mudichu Serial In Tamil Full Episode
She has acted in 3 Hindi films besides acting in Telugu and Kannada films and within a short span of time she has won many awards as a Best Child Artist. Manish Raisinghani (as Siddharth Bhardwaj) Manish, who is an actor-cum-model, entered into the industry through formal training. A highly multi-talented personality, Manish, has trained in martial arts. Reiki, Photography, roller-skating, are his interests. He also has black belts in Karate, Kung Fu, and Kickboxing. Viewers can find some of the full episodes of Moondru Muduchi on Dailymotion and YouTube. The episodes are listed quite systematically on some channels.
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