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3d Physics Simulator Free Program

  1. Real-time 3d Physics Simulator
  2. 3d Physics Simulator Free Program 2016

Download Physics 3d Simulations for free. The Physics 3d Simulations Project, intends to be a educational tool, for helping science students understanding physics concepts of Classical Mechanics, Eletrodynamics, Chaos, Relativity and others.

From Bozhidar Stefanov:

Physics Simulations is an interactive physics teaching software, which brings the information and computer technologies right where they are mostly needed--in school. The project unlocks the power of ICT to simulate processes with animation and calculate complicated quantities and uses it to ease the education in the school subject whom we used to determine with one word--complicated--the physics. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.

What do you need to know about free software?

From Bozhidar Stefanov:

Physics Simulations is an interactive physics teaching software, which brings the information and computer technologies right where they are mostly needed--in school. The project unlocks the power of ICT to simulate processes with animation and calculate complicated quantities and uses it to ease the education in the school subject whom we used to determine with one word--complicated--the physics. This version is the first release on CNET Download.com.
Active6 years, 4 months ago


Is there a complete physics simulator that I can use to do general simulations for learning purposes? For example:

  1. Create a sandbox.
  2. Fill with a gas.
  3. Load a 3d solid model like this (but 3d).
  4. Fill it with a dense liquid.
  5. Load gravity.
  6. Watch, measure and understand how a barymeter works.

It doesn't need to be precise, just usable, so I guess it is not impossible. The point would be to simulate and visualize any kind of exercise you would find in your physics book. It would be the mother of the learning tools. If it doesn't exist, is anybody interested in programming it?


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7 Answers


Is there a complete physics simulator that I can use to do general simulations for learning purposes?

Any Turing complete programming language. Some assembly required. We often say that all models are wrong, so whatever problem you desire to simulate is working on some level of abstraction of more fundamental physical laws. These are generally problem-specific and why you should not expect a 'general' physics simulator to answer your question (at least not in 2012). Even if you had perfectly correct governing equations, when you perform numerical simulation inadequacies are introduced that range from a loss of accuracy to completely changing the system dynamics.

My simple suggestion is to browse some library of physics codes. It sounds like you want something learning-oriented, fairly open in nature, easy to use, and powerful enough to do full fluid mechanics simulation. These software requirement are almost laughably daunting. For the record, relaxing the accuracy requirement for a computational fluid dynamics simulation does not make it easy.

Here is an ongoing effort that I strongly support, Open Source Physics:

You should browse through their libraries to find what comes closest to your requirements. Hypothetically, there is nothing keeping one from using their format (with Java) to write a full 3D simulation, but I must return to my point that you have completely underestimated the challenge of that task. Here are some results of the fluid mechanics section of their library:

I suspect you will find that unsatisfactory for your purposes. Here is a specific applet that does a basic Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation for a gas in 2D:

I think it's a fantastic program, but the properties of the simulated fluid do not match what you want. It would be possible for you to rewrite their code, expanding into 3D and changing the particle interaction rules to fully answer the question at hand. It would take a lot of work, but if you do so, by all means, please submit your code and post a link.

Alan RomingerAlan Rominger

16.7k7 gold badges45 silver badges130 bronze badges


The closest program to the description is Phun:

Download it, it's a lot of fun.

Oh, I see, you want 3D immediately. Ambitious enough so that I won't erase my answer.

Update, May 2012. You may try to download trial of Wolfram System Modeler,

Luboš MotlLuboš Motl

Real-time 3d Physics Simulator

157k12 gold badges328 silver badges527 bronze badges


As Tobias Kienzler pointed out, Algodoo is a good general-purpose physics 2D simulator. It supersedes Phun, which was mentioned by Luboš Motl in his answer.

Emilio PisantyEmilio Pisanty


91.8k24 gold badges231 silver badges478 bronze badges


If you're doing this for demonstrative purposes, an actual 3d design program like Blender would be sufficient.


3d Physics Simulator Free Program 2016


openmodelica (google images first to get a grasp) is the best one that I found.

find elmer, mason, breve, etc.. in PSE-modeling and simulation

Those packages are not '3d-toys' , they allow the simulation with complex constraints.

Helder VelezHelder Velez


Is there a complete physics simulator that I can use to do general simulations for learning purposes?

Yes, it is called 'reality'.


7,0222 gold badges37 silver badges64 bronze badges


I believe this is what you are looking for functional and very easy to minipulate http://universesandbox.com/


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